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 Our Services_ 



HSV informs you on tips and easy ways to remind your self of vehicle safety. Vehicles are the number one target in the night time, recently we in Portland have been experiencing a major rise in car thefts. We inform you on strategies as well as improving the security around your vehicle to deter thefts.

                    [ Safety tips / Locks / Keeping stuff safe / Alarms ]




HSV has a big task on hand but we are PREPARED to handle what drifts our way. PREPARDENESS is the number ONE function of security. Lets be honest its a shame how morality has dropped so far below the standard that our communities have experienced great spikes of theft in HOMES.

   HSV strategizes with you to show you 'PROBLEM DARK' areas of your property that give OPPORTUNITY to crime, how and were to lock items up, the BEST PRICE on the market for introducing security equipment, such as HOME ALARM SYSTEMS, no contracts! Motion Lights ENERGY SAVING! Updated LOCKS, securing windows with AC units installed. DVR systems or single camera units THIS IS PEACE OF MIND IN ACTION!


_OVERALL we take care of your home needs and CUT THE OPPORTUNITY of Crime on your property!

        [ Camera Surveillance / Landlord & Tenant needs / Lighting / CUTTING OPPORTUNITY ]


HSV Provides Information on staying involved in your community and when something happens (IF) we provide you steps to take to stay peaceful and to REACH OUT to the community for help.

               [ SOCIAL MEDIA / Due Dilligence / Communication ]


Initial appointment HSV shows you 'problem dark areas' of your home and advice on how to cut opportunity to crime on your property.
HSV INITIAL Nextdoor DIscount!
1 hr
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Proceeds are donated to Various "Portland Homeless community" resource centers every 1st of the month.
Thank YOU!!
God Bless!
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